Zardoz is a science fiction movie directed by John Boorman. The movie takes place in a dystopian universe and tells the story of a hero named Zed played by Sean Connery.
In the movie, humanity has now become immortal and society is divided into two classes: a wealthy minority and a poor majority. Zed enters a secret area inhabited by a group of survivors, where he discovers the true nature of society.
"Zardoz" is notable for its handling of dystopian themes and philosophical questions. The film is also known for its clothing designs and special effects.
However, the film received mixed reviews from critics and was also a commercial failure. Still, it has become a cult classic over time and is considered a beloved movie by sci-fi fans.
The 1974 film "Zardoz" is a science fiction / dystopian film directed by John Boorman. The film depicts a dystopian world where humanity is now immortal and society is divided into two classes: the immortal Minds and the mortal Highs.
The minds serve a god called Zardoz, from whom the Highs are used as a source of food. The leaders of Zardoz order the Minds to be sent loaded with weapons to the shelters of the High to reduce the number of mortals. In one of these missions, a High named Zed infiltrates the haven of the Minds, where he discovers true nature.
The film deals with science fiction, dystopia, philosophical and social themes. In addition, the class segregation of society, human nature and the problems brought by immortality are mentioned in the film. Zed, played by Sean Connery, is the main character of the movie and sets out on an adventure to discover the true nature of society.
"Zardoz" is one of the original sci-fi films of its time and draws attention with its handling of controversial philosophical questions.
Of course, there are interesting information about the movie.
- The title of the movie is inspired by the word "Zarathustra" in Yeats' poem "The Second Coming". But at the most crucial point of the movie, it is understood that it comes out of the wiZARD of OZ book.
- In the movie, Sean Connery completely shaved his head for the character of Zed and followed a heavy fitness program for 6 months for the role.
- The clothes in the movie were designed by Rambert, a designer. Most of the outfits were made using old piece materials from the movie studio.
- The special effects in the movie were quite innovative for the sci-fi movies of the period. In particular, the materials and effects used by the giant face in the movie were quite high-tech.
- The film was shot in Ireland. In particular, the natural beauty of the Green Island was used for the scenery designs and landscapes.
- "Zardoz" received mixed reviews from critics and failed at the box office. However, over time it became a cult classic and is considered a beloved movie by sci-fi fans.
Director : John Boorman
Writers : John Boorman
Director of Photography : Geoffrey Unsworth
Music : David Munrow
Production : 1974 - UK - 105 m.
Genre : Adventure / Fantasy / Science Fiction
Writers : John Boorman
Director of Photography : Geoffrey Unsworth
Music : David Munrow
Production : 1974 - UK - 105 m.
Genre : Adventure / Fantasy / Science Fiction
Sean Connery
Charlotte Rampling
Sara Kestelman
John Alderton
Sally Anne Newton
Niall Buggy