In this family-oriented adventure fantasy, a less-than-Abominable snowman becomes friends with a teen-age girl, a conservationist, a deaf-mute and a courageous collie.
Professor Wassermann (John Stacy) is asked by industry magnate Morgan Hunnicut (Eddie Faye) to lead an expedition to study the giant Yeti creature found frozen in a large ice block on Newfoundland's coast. The professor does not know that Hunnicut intends to use the prehistoric creature as a trademark of its multinational industrial group. A very big mistake.
Rating: NR
Genre: Action & Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Directed By: Gianfranco Parolini
Written By: Gianfranco Parolini, Mario di Nardo
In Theaters: Dec 23, 1977 Wide
Runtime: 105 minutes
Studio: Stefano Film
Professor Wassermann (John Stacy) is asked by industry magnate Morgan Hunnicut (Eddie Faye) to lead an expedition to study the giant Yeti creature found frozen in a large ice block on Newfoundland's coast. The professor does not know that Hunnicut intends to use the prehistoric creature as a trademark of its multinational industrial group. A very big mistake.
Rating: NR
Genre: Action & Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Directed By: Gianfranco Parolini
Written By: Gianfranco Parolini, Mario di Nardo
In Theaters: Dec 23, 1977 Wide
Runtime: 105 minutes
Studio: Stefano Film
Antonella Interlenghi | Jane (as Phoenix Grant) | |
Mimmo Crao | Yeti | |
Jim Sullivan | Herbie | |
Tony Kendall | Cliff Chandler | |
Edoardo Faieta | Morgan Hunnicut (as Eddie Faye) | |
John Stacy | Prof. Henry Wassermann | |
Stelio Candelli | (as Steve Elliot) |