This Italian-Turkish co-production helmed by genre veteran Antonio Margheriti (using the pseudonym "Anthony M. Dawson") was cobbled together from a four-part science-fiction miniseries shown on Italian television. In prehistoric times, the muscular Yor (Reb Brown in a loincloth) saves his cave-babe (Corinne Clery) from a dinosaur just before they get zapped into the future to battle bad guys in the familiar desolate wasteland. Genre stalwart John Steiner (Caligole) and the ubiquitous Luciano Pigozzi co-star with Carol Andre. (a.k.a. Il Mondo Di Yor)
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Directed By: Antonio Margheriti, Anthony M. Dawson
Written By: Robert Bailey
In Theaters: Jan 1, 1982 Wide
Runtime: 88 minutes
Studio: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Reb Brown | ||
Corinne Cléry |
Kalaa (as Corinne Clery)
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John Steiner | ||
Carole André |
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Luciano Pigozzi |
Pag (as Alan Collins)